The show's called Rhythm and Blues Revue, after the historic 1955 film of a star spangled cast of black entertainers at Harlem's legendary Apollo Theater which begins the episode, followed by Duke Ellington and His Orchestra's Symphony In Black starring Billie Holiday; Louis Jordan in Brother Beware; and bridging all between them classic black radio commercials by Rufus Thomas for Pink Pussycat Wine, The Black Pope and more!
In Rhythm and Blues Revue, you'll see the film source Michael Jackson learned the moonwalk dance step from, literally at the feet of Bill Bailey; along with Nat King Cole, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, Sarah Vaughn, Lionel Hampton, Joe Turner, Ruth Brown, Faye Adams, Nipsy Russell, Herb Jeffries, Freddy And Flo, Amos Milburn, The Larks, Delta Rhythm Boys, Martha Davis, Little Buck, Manton Moreland and more!
J.C.'s used all his latest audio tricks to make each program segment sound like it was the original from which the actual original was sourced, and after 20 years of specializin' in that subject, that's sayin' alot! !
*Archived May 21, 2016
NOTE: Show starts shortly after the 30 second tone and bars mark
used by the cable company to queue up the show for broadcast.